Optimizing workplace collaboration is one of the top concerns of all companies and businesses. The reason is evident, but what's interesting is that the newest trend in work management is getting rid of traditional methods and embracing technological tools. More than just a fashion, these resources have the power to drastically reshape collaborative work management and make it more efficient and rewarding.

Optimizing workplace collaboration is one of the top concerns of all companies and businesses. The reason is evident, but what’s interesting is that the newest trend in work management is getting rid of traditional methods and embracing technological tools. More than just a fashion, these resources have the power to drastically reshape collaborative work management and make it more efficient and rewarding.
Why collaboration is important
The long-term benefits of collaborative work management range from increased employee satisfaction to increased profits. By emphasizing effective communication, this style of work management relies on collaboration tools that ease communication in an unprecedented way. Here are the most considerable benefits of collaborative work management that the business world simply cannot ignore.
Traditionally, most businesses are dependent on the clock. It is a given that meetings are often rescheduled, causing delays and forcing employees to readapt their schedule to fit all their tasks, or that not every employee gets the chance to share their input effectively. This way of doing business is, however, disappearing fast with collaborative work management.
Features provided by a tool such as Pipefy, for example, include metrics that analyze everyone’s activities to boost productivity, a calendar view with all tasks due in a given month, week or day and a special My Tasks page where every employee can see their assigned tasks and receive all important notifications. A Subtask feature is also available for automatically keeping track of all subtasks.
This shows that by having everything documented in one tool that keeps an accurate track of all tasks, to-do lists, and status updates, meetings start becoming more obsolete. Optimizing schedules leads to better time management, which translates into increased efficiency on everyone’s part.
Collaboration defined
Collaborative work management is based on the idea of equal participation and input with feedback being instrumental. This means allowing each employee the chance to contribute meaningfully and in a timely manner. It is well-researched that a team that works collaboratively will produce higher quality work. By working together, teams can identify problems quicker and brainstorm solutions that a single individual could never reach on their own.
Giving each employer the same chance for input can only be achieved by active and efficient communication, which is where collaboration tools once again prove to be a lifesaver. It’s not just that they allow communication to happen fast or even instantly, but that they guarantee an unprecedented level of accuracy and clean and concise exchanges, eliminating the ambiguity that plagues companies with large hierarchies.
Just take a look at Pipefy and see the much-necessary features such as automated email templates, a mobile app and a personalized Inbox to make sure communication stays top-notch. In addition, such tools bring together all files, comments, tasks and deadlines, so everything can be easily accessed by anyone at any given moment. This mental decluttering is crucial and allows a team to focus on what matters most.
Improve collaboration with the right tools
When aided by specific tools, collaborative work management can lead to a significant decrease in costs. Since these tools put online communication at the forefront, travel expenses to bring various team members together are the first to be eliminated. A company can even decide to allow all employees to work remotely without sacrificing productivity in the slightest. Consider what you could do with the thousands of dollars a month saved on an office space.
The ability to have remote employees through the use of virtual collaborative software also means that there is a possibility to employ people offshore. Each member of the team could work from their homes or wherever they prefer just as if they were in the same office. Everything from an employee’s professional resume to his latest task can be accessed in an instant. The work is accurately tracked, and virtual communication allows employees to be available for urgent issues.
With a collaborative tool, transparency and visibility are greatly enhanced, and managers have great insight into their employees’ progress, even if the employees are not in the office. One example is Pipefy’s Advanced Reports, which combines information regarding all activities and processes that not only can be accessed at any time, but can also provide insights as to where it is possible to implement cost cuts and remove resources without affecting productivity and workflow.
Management had been stagnant for years when collaborative tools emerged in the business environment. Although collaborative work management is possible outside technological tools, it is also significantly enhanced by them. Through automation and virtual communication, these tools allow teams to substantially boost their productivity at both an individual and a collaborative level. Companies who implement these tools enjoy immense benefits for a pittance when compared to their previous costs.