Pipefy Glossary


API Access

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is a set of requirements that determine how one application can communicate with another, enabling interactions between multiple software intermediaries. Companies usually release their API to the public so that other developers can design products and integrations powered by its services.


Apps are add-ons (or extensions) from third-party developers that you can add in your processes to boost and customize them even more. Pipefy supports several types of integrations natively, with Bitbucket, Calendar, Github, Google Hangouts, Sprint Planner, Slack and more.

Assignee (field)

The person assigned for the card’s execution or that has some relation with this specific request or task. Usually, the assignee is the owner/responsible for the demand represented by the card itself, but this definition changes depending on the process. Cards can have multiple assignees, which must be members of the pipe to be assigned.

Attachment (field)

Different files can be uploaded on the card (like images and videos in several formats). The documents you attach to a card remain linked to it throughout the whole process. To create attachment fields on the pipe, just go to the card or phase settings. Keep in mind that the maximum size is 512 MB and the file name can’t have any special character.

Automation (feature)

Automations allow users to set rules and events that trigger specific actions in the processes, eliminating manual work. There are different automations and combinations to make, regardless of the process type. This way, it’s possible to establish faster and error-proof workflows. All actions performed by automations will be registered in the card history with the pipebot’s name next to it (our personal robot at Pipefy).




The current subscription plan of the company. The billing page is the place to check all information regarding payments and invoices. The payment history can also be seen here.



Canned Responses

Customized and predefined messages that you can create to send manually or through automations as body texts of emails. It’s an excellent tool for those that want to save time and need to have a standardized message with common replies. With the help of dynamic fields, it’s possible to configure fields that fill according to your choices, like an email template.


A card is one of the main elements of Pipefy and it represents different types of information according to your process. Cards stand for requests, leads, orders, products, tickets, tasks and whatever makes sense for your process. They gather the pieces of information to guide the process, moving through the phases until the end of the activity.

Card ID (field)

The card’s number is automatically generated when the card is created. It’s the card’s unique ID, it can represent a request number, a ticket number, an order number and so on (depending on your type of process).

Checkbox (field)

Also known as checklists, the checkbox is a multiple options field within the card phases. It’s possible to create a field with several options that can be selected simultaneously, placed horizontally or vertically in the card structure.


A company in Pipefy includes all of your pipes, databases, reports, automations, members, and much more. It’s the digital representation of your company inside Pipefy (at least some elements of it), with processes that can include entire departments or specific teams. This is your Pipefy, as some call it.

Company Members

There are five company-level user permission in Pipefy: administrator, super admin, member, company guest, and external guest. You can manage these permissions on the company members page (available only for Business and Enterprise plans only).

Company members are part of the company's general account, while pipe members have access to specific processes.

Company Reports (feature)

Company reports display the general aspects common to all pipes: card ID, card title, current phase, pipe name, labels, due date, creator, assignees, created at, finished at, updated at, last comment and last comment at. Pipefy enables users to create and save company level reports by combining and filtering data of two or more pipes. Don’t mistake them with pipe reports.

Company Settings

The page where you can customize your company’s appearance, permissions, billing info and email settings. Keep in mind that only company admins can access company settings to edit them.

Conditionals (feature)

Users in the Business and Enterprise plans can add field conditionals in their process at will. By using conditional logic in forms and phases, it’s possible to show or hide fields according to what is filled previously in the other fields, establishing a dynamic experience. This way, users can customize processes even more and avoid long forms with blank fields.

Connections (feature)

A connection is an association between two pipes or a pipe and a database. Creating connections makes it easier to gather and access information within pipes and keep the same information in different places updated.


This is an excellent feature for process integration without having to manually share information outside your pipes.

Currency (field)

Currency is a field type that you can add in Start Forms and phases of processes to input amounts of money. For example, when asking how much someone spent in the expense reimbursement pipe.



Dashboards (feature)

Dashboards are a native BI tool that enables you to collect, track and combine different data from your processes to view them dynamically so that you can create your own charts and metrics within Pipefy.


It is possible to create graphics of various types, such as lines, areas, bars, tables, calendars and much more, customizing them according to your process.

Database (feature)

A Database is an information storage system inside Pipefy you can use to retrieve relevant data across your company’s processes in a custom way. It can contain data from customers, suppliers, products and much more. You can access it through the Database icon located on the left side menu on almost any page in Pipefy.

Database Connection (feature)

A connection between a specific pipe and a table from your Database. This connection can be made through fields in Start Forms and in phases, integrating processes without the need to share information manually. If you have a process that requires collaboration and integration with your Database (like a suppliers list), you can do so by using connections.

Date & Datetime (field)

These two field types can be used in Start Forms and phases when the information you’re asking for needs to be answered with a date or with date and time.

Document ID (field)

This field is only for Brazilian document numbers. CPF is for people and CNPJ is for companies.

Dropdown Select (field)

A multiple-choice field in which the user can select only one option among different ones. The dropdown select is a great option when you have a list of alternatives, such as a city list or department list.

Due Date (field)

The due date field (or time limit) can be used when asking for the card’s deadline. This data will be displayed on the closed card and used to track the completion of the activity.



Email (field)

A field type for an email input (with field validation for common email formats).

Email Inbox (feature)

The email inbox feature allows users to create cards automatically by sending emails to a pipe’s exclusive email address. But first, the user needs to match the information in the email to the pipe’s Start Form fields.

Email Messaging (feature)

Email Messaging is a feature that allows users to send and receive emails without having to access an email inbox. It’s all done inside Pipefy cards, as the card progresses through the pipe’s phases.

Email Templates (feature)

Standard emails that users can create to send manually from cards or through automations. You can build an email template with dynamic fields so you won’t have to write specific words each time you send an email, establishing a fast and dynamic experience. It’s possible to have multiple email templates and create an error-proof and efficient automated flow.




Check Phase Fields to read more about Fields.

Field Connections

Check Connections to learn more about Field Connections.

Field Conditionals

Check Conditionals to learn more about Field Conditionals.

Fixed Fields (field)

All pipes come with a set of default base actions known as fixed fields displayed at the top of the form or in the upper right corner of any open card. These top buttons can be accessed in all phases. Fixed fields are synchronizable with phase’s fields and also accessible through reports. They can be fields like due date, assignees, attachments and labels.



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Help Sidebar

The Help Sidebar can be accessed through the question mark icon on the left side bar of Pipefy, in the lower area. This contextualized tab can be open on almost any page in Pipefy and will always provide customized resources, like quick tips and tutorial videos, to help you better understand the page that you’re seeing.



Importer App (feature)

The Importer is an app to upload cards in a pipe or database based on the rows of an XLSX file (Excel). This way, it’s possible to export the information contained in a spreadsheet into data in Pipefy without having to rewrite it. With the Importar App, the user can generate cards in bulk in a pipe or database, saving time when importing records.

Integrations (feature)

Integrations allow your team to customize pipes by combining them with other applications. It’s possible to integrate an app of your preference through native integrations (for basic cases), Zapier, Public API or custom integrations developed by our team (integrate any tool you want). This way, you can link tools such as Google Sheets, Slack, Evernote and many others to Pipefy.



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Kanban View

The Kanban View is a visualization method in columns to control and organize workflows, inventories and even ideas. Inside Pipefy, Kanban is one of the ways to visualize the progress, steps and status of your processes.



Labels (field)

Colored labels can be used to classify and identify different types of information in cards, like priority tasks, displayed in the upper left corner of the card. They can also be used for filtering cards using the pipe filter.

List View

The List View is another way to visualize your process instead of the Kanban View. You can check the same phases and status of your process, but with a different layout. With this option enabled, you can see all the information inside your pipe organized as a simple list.

Long Text (field)

Long text is an open text field you can select in the Start Form and phases, used when asking for more significant text input. You can use a long text field when asking for specific information, details about a request, etc.




There are two types of members in Pipefy: company members and pipe members. Each member can be set with a specific user role (for example, admin or guest), which has a particular permission level. To learn more about members, go to the company members or pipe members definitions.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Also known as two-step verification or two-factor authentication, the multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security method of confirming the user identity to create a safer login process. It’s possible to choose from several mobile apps to authenticate the user, such as Authy, Google Authenticator, Guardian and Microsoft Authenticator.

My Work (feature)

My Work is a page inside Pipefy you can access to check all cards that were assigned to you. Here, it’s possible to keep up with deadlines, process status and have a complete overview of your main activities across different pipes in a single place.




Pipefy offers different types of notifications (alerts) that you can set according to your needs; they will always appear in the bell icon located in the header and in your email. You can also customize the notifications you would like to receive by email based on your pipes.

Numeric (field)

Numeric is a field type you can select in the Start Form and in your pipe’s phases. This field can be used when the information you ask for in your field’s description must be answered in a simple numeric format (excluding date, time and currency formats; these three have their specific fields).




Check Company definition.



PDF Generator / PDF Template (feature)

The PDF Template is a feature in which users can export specific information from a card to a PDF document. This is great for those who want to share information with clients, suppliers, team members, or people who aren’t members of a pipe. It’s easy to build a template with dynamic content with the data you want to extract through the PDF Generator, establishing standardization in the documents.

Permission Level

A permission level is a hierarchy level that a user has inside Pipefy, whether for the whole company or a specific pipe. By defining a user role to a member, you will set their action restrictions on the platform. To learn about different permissions levels, go to the Company Members or Pipe Members definitions.


A phase is any step to be carried out in the process for its completion from beginning to end, represented by columns in the Kanban View or lines in the List View. Users can set phases in the process that cards go through or not according to the card’s information and the pipe’s structure. All phases have their peculiarities, adding or confirming information throughout the workflow of requests, demands or tasks.

Phase Fields

Fields are bricks of information that build the pieces of the process; essential steps or requirements that users need to input to make a process flow. It’s possible to customize process phases and Start Forms in Pipefy with different fields, such as text fields, radio buttons, checklists, instructions and much more. This way, users can establish execution standards and guarantee that the process follows specific patterns.

Phase Forms

Phase Forms are forms from a specific phase inside Pipefy that you can share externally. This way, customers, suppliers or requesters can add information throughout the process, apart from the Start Form or Public Form.

Phase Settings

The phase customization. To access the phase settings, click on the three dots next to the name of the phase. You can also access the phase settings by opening a card in that phase, clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner. Here, it’s possible to customize the phase to fit your needs, adding descriptions, alerts, fields, etc.

Phone Number (field)

A field type in forms and phases to ask specifically for phone numbers.


A pipe is how a process is called inside Pipefy. Different processes can be turned into a pipe, regardless of their size or business field. The standard pipe visualization is the kanban view, but you can change it to list view too.


Pipes are divided into phases represented by columns, standing for the execution steps of the workflow. Lastly, each phase has its own fields, the rules and conditions to the process progression.

Pipe Connection (feature)

A connection between two pipes to share information in different processes. By establishing connections among pipes, it’s easier to gather, access and keep the same data in various places, creating or linking cards.

Pipe Members

There are five types of permission levels inside pipes (the processes) on Pipefy. The pipe members page provides an overview of all members in a pipe and their permission level. You can access this page by clicking on the members’ icon in the upper right corner of the pipe’s header. Check out the different user roles:

• Read-only: users can view all cards and leave comments on them.

• Restricted View: users on this level can create new cards, but they’re only allowed to view/edit cards that they created or assigned to them.

• Start Form Only: users can only access the pipe’s Start Form to create new cards. They can’t view/edit any cards, even the ones they’ve created.

• Pipe Member: pipe members can create new cards and access all of the pipe’s existing cards to edit/move them across the pipe.

• Pipe Admin: pipe admin users can do everything within the pipe (create, edit and delete cards) and edit the pipe’s settings.

Pipe Metrics (feature)

Pipe metrics can be defined as your pipe productivity reports. They offer an easy way to track how your team performs in a specific pipe, such as the number of cards marked as late or expired.

Pipe Reports (feature)

An advanced pipe tool that enables users to view all the information extracted from cards’ fields in an organized and customizable table. The feature allows users to easily create and save reports with pre-selected filters to access whenever they need the information. This way, it’s easier to identify bottlenecks, have meaningful insights and analyze all data in one place.

Pipe Settings

The page to edit all settings related to a specific pipe; only available to admin users. To access the pipe settings, open the pipe you want to edit and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner in the header. On this page, you’ll be able to edit the pipe’s name, icon, card titles, subtitles, permission level, alerts and much more.

Portal (feature)

Portals gather different public forms in the same page to make them accessible to internal or external requesters in a centralized place. This way, users, clients or suppliers won’t need to look for several links when opening requests for your team.


Portals can be customized and can represent a specific department in the company, for example. You can also embed portals on social media channels and websites if you prefer.


Check Pipe definition.

Public Form

The Public Form is identical to the Start Form. The difference is that you’re making the form available to people that don’t have access to your process or don’t have access to Pipefy at all; it’s an external form. People will access it through a different link and won’t need to be registered in Pipefy to send their requests to your pipes.



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Radio Select (field)

A multiple-choice field in which the user can select only one option among different ones. The radio select is a great option when you have a list of alternatives, such as a city list or department list. The difference from the dropdown select is that here all options are visible without the need to click on the button.

Reports (feature)

There are two types of reports inside Pipefy: Company Reports and Pipe Reports – be aware of that. Go to their respective definition to learn more.

Request Tracker (feature)

Request Tracker is a feature that allows requesters, whether they are registered users of Pipefy or people outside the platform, to track the status of cards (the requests they open) without having to contact those responsible for executing the request.



Short Text (field)

Short text is a field type you can select in the Start Form and in your pipe’s phases. Use this field type when asking for information that can be answered in a few words, such as first name, last name, address, etc.

SLA Control / SLAs (feature)

SLA is short for Service Level Agreement and stands for the amount of time a card remains at a particular phase (or until the task is considered done), which is directly related to pipe alerts.

Start Form

The start form is usually the first input of your pipe; the beginning of the process and a card creator. It is possible to customize the fields according to the needs of the process, and the form collects the data to create various requests, such as purchase orders, vacations, and much more.


After the start form is completed and sent to the pipe, it creates a card that is added to the beginning of the workflow.

Statement (field)

A statement is a field type you can select in the Start Form and in pipe’s phases. This field can be used to give instructions or a description about the phase, for example. It doesn’t generate any input boxes or options to be checked; it’s just displayed as plain text in your phase.

Switch Company

It’s possible to create multiple companies in Pipefy with a single account (like a company list). This can be useful if you want to separate pipes in different environments instead of creating private pipes, or if you want to establish different teams that don’t share the pipes in the same account. To switch company in Pipefy, click on your user icon and then select the desired company.



Template Gallery

The Template Gallery can be accessed at any time inside Pipefy through the button in the left sidebar, right above the question mark. This page gathers pre-set templates of several processes and areas, such as Finance, HR, Marketing, Customer Service and much more. All you have to do is search for the process you want and select its template. You can still customize it according to your needs, using our example as a base for your adjustments.

Time (field)

This is a field type you can use to ask for an answer in a time format such as hours and minutes. It can be applied in forms and phases.


Tokens allow you to create a multi-factor authentication and to have easy access to your APIs. All tokens generated can be viewed in the tokens page, in the User Settings.



User Settings

Also known as account preferences, this is the page to edit your profile details, language, notifications preferences and personal tokens. You can also enable or disable the multi-factor authentication and even delete your user account here.



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