Discover Pipefy

The #1 ClickUp Alternative

Choose Pipefy over ClickUp — stop managing tasks and start organizing and automating processes. Pipefy enables you to build structured, standardized workflows adapted to your specific needs.

Trusted by over 3.000 customers worldwide

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Pipefy dives deeper into your needs

Pipefy is the Work Management-focused BPM platform that helps you manage a lot more than simple tasks. With its easy-to-use interface, customizable forms and top-class automation capacities, it gives you complete control and visibility over your business processes — no coding required. 

Go beyond task management

Pipefy is a complete solution. It allows your team to manage tasks through notifications, automatic alerts, and deadline tracking. It also guarantees control and visibility, enabling leaders to connect and coordinate different workflows from a single place.

Make complex processes simple

Pipefy helps you manage and automate processes involving multiple teams, activities, and information sources. With an easy-to-use platform and no coding required, it’s easier than ever to build standardized workflows that fit your needs.

Efficiently manage requests

Use customizable forms and easy-to-create portals to standardize and centralize external or internal requests. Allow requesters to independently track their submissions whenever they need to, even if they don't have a Pipefy account.

10 reasons why customers choose Pipefy over ClickUp

Pipefy x ClickUp

10 reasons why customers choose Pipefy over ClickUp

Pipefy x ClickUp
Customizable panels
User community to learn and exchange best practices
Advanced automation capabilities and over 250 app integrations
Account manager and 90-day implementation program
Request tracking for users and non-users
Easy-to-create portals to share customizable forms
Email templates for quick and/or automatic responses
Scalable platform
Standardized handoffs between teams
End-to-end process management and automation

Orchestrate your operations with smart integrations

Integrate Pipefy to everything from payroll software to ERPs and databases to perfectly connect your entire operations. Control all your processes effortlessly from a single place and say goodbye to confusing spreadsheets and endless email threads.

Start right now

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